Well I guess it's time to call it. We're sitting at 45% of the goal and only have 7 hours left.

I'd like to thank you all for the support through this campaign. I've learned quite a lot from the process - number one being that I'm not a natural marketer haha

But I've also got great news! Such amazing news!! I was awarded $20,000 from the city of Reno for the business! Which was more than I was seeking here and so Sugar Love Chocolates will be launching almost exactly as hoped for! I'll be getting the check (which I'm sad to say, will not be a giant novelty check haha) in a few weeks so by the end of July I'll have ordered the equipment to expand my chocolate making abilities!

YAY! Good things truly do happen!

If you would like to continue your support of Sugar Love, you've got two easy-peasy options:

1) Sign up for the newsletter if you haven't already. If you're on the list and provide your physical address, you have a chance to win a random Surprise Sugar Love box each week! Sign up here: http://eepurl.com/bdPrvz

2) You can order your chocolates on the website starting today! Shipments will begin in about two or three weeks when I've received the packaging that I'm ordering. Images of the packaging are on the site, but I don't have any pictures yet of my chocolates in the boxes. Soon! You can order today at http://www.SugarLoveChocolates.com

Again - thanks for all your support! This has been an exhausting but wonderful experience. And I'm so thankful to be launching the business with all the support of you guys. Now I'm off to finish installing the flooring in the retail space! From chocolatier to contractor ;) haha

xo Krysta Bea

July 02, 2015 — Krysta Bea Jackson